the collection: pink hair

PINK! Mmm. Does it get any better? I love all things pink. I wanted to incorporate more pink into my wardrobe this year, but these days I just find myself wearing black and tan, like I'm 60 years old. But I just can't stop! So, I'm thinking about pink hair.....Just thinking.
I realize that all of these pictures are pictures of lovely girls with lovely blond hair. And I have dark black hair. Not fair. I'm thinking that I bleach all the color out of my hair (but enough so that it's still there) and then tint it a light lovely pink. LOVELY, RIGHT?
Until someone talks me out of it, I might be doing that for Halloween. Ha.
Cheers to pink hair! <3 I wish.
P.S. And I want to say that I made this collection before seeing Katy rock the pink hair (see here), not that it matters. But, hey! Cool!