oh, PAIRS: overdress

You guys. Hi. I've missed you guys.

Christmas and the holidays were crazay, so that's my excuse. I hope you all had a wonderful time with friends and family and made time to appreciate all the love and goodness in your life! <3 There is no better time than right now.

I started off the new year with one goal: to pass my cpa. Yes. My cpa. Ugh. Don't tell anyone because I don't want people to know what I'm doing and I don't want anyone to know if I don't pass. So, please just pray for me and then some day soon I will tell you when I pass. But, I'm kind of on a busy study schedule so my soul doesn't wither and die. I would rather like drown and try to get it all over with than take it a bit slower and have it constantly dragging me down and weighing over me like a sack of potatoes. And then once I am down I can not wait to craft and learn all things designy and go etsy crazy! Ahh. Please pray for me.

So, things will be kind of quiet on here until then -- but I've tried to get some basic posts finished up. At least count on hearing from me at least once a week, and maybe if I get a hang of this study thing a little bit more? All I know is that I can not wait to be done studying and be a FREE BIRD!

Anyways. What are your goals for 2013? Please tell me so I can live vicariously through you. I would love to. I actually think I might need to.

And don't you love this OVERDRESS thing? Everyday I tell myself: Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. Life is a lot more fun that way, anyway. And I feel like it helps push me along. Overdressing. Just do it.


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