graphic texts

Janelle has been doing some really really great graphic texts lately, and I really really like them. Something about the simplicity of the font and the beauty of the picture. It just all works out.

Graphic texts are pretty popular right now, as they are lovely, but I'm really only super familiar with llymlrs and Parker Fitzgerald and Luke's Beard. Lily only did them for awhile, of her favorite quotes. I love the blandness of the photographs she uses, and how the words really make them stand out. Parker Fitzgerald did them for a whole year, and they are quite lovely, very lovely photographs & placement, such a nice design! And Luke is absolutely charming, he designs them in such a pleasing way, gosh. He is more of a graphic designer and doesn't use photos as much, but uses them well when he does. Both Parker & Luke have fantastic designs. It makes me so happy to look at them! The idea is so simple, yet I just love how they all turn out. I think I might hop on the bandwagon soon.


Parker Fitzgerald:

Lukes Beard:



